our manifesto
WEIRDO is a collective and platform documenting and celebrating the experiences, perspectives and contributions of South Asian people in the alternative scene. By alternative, we mean anyone who identifies with an alternative subculture such as punk or goth.
We serve the interests and needs of alternative South Asian people. This space is first and foremost for South Asian people to connect with other South Asians in this scene, to find support and inspiration from like-minded people from similar cultural backgrounds and to celebrate our existence in the alternative scene.
We are not “people of colour” - although this terminology has its use, we believe using specific language is important in any movement towards improving visibility and representation, so people are not left behind. Similarly, South Asian is an umbrella term and we therefore strive to make sure we use specific language where appropriate to refer to South Asian ethnic groups.
We do not tolerate racism, casteism, xenophobia, anti-immigration rhetoric, expressing nationalism in a way that disrespects other communities, religious discrimination, anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, sexism, misogyny, classism or disableism.
We welcome people from outside of the alternative South Asian community to listen and learn from us. Please read our website articles and zines as a starting point before attending our events. We encourage you to work with our collective members and people featured on our platform. However, we do not tolerate tokenism, and true efforts to include alternative South Asian people can be distinguished from this.